Friday, March 27, 2009

Preventive Foot Care In Hemodilaysis Patients

Diabetics on hemodialysis have even worse prognosis than other patients. Patients with diabetes and ESRD are admitted to the hospital on average 2.3 times per year, and only 27% of these patients will survive 5 years on hemodialysis. With improvement in overall care, mortality has improved in hemodialysis patient population, but perhaps not to the expected level for multiple reasons. One likely explanation is that although mortality may be less with improvement in one area of care, mortality in other neglected areas of care may negate these potential gains. It therefore remains imperative that nephrology community does not lose sight of the fact that only comprehensive care of these patients will realize the goal of improvement in mortality and morbidity in this hemodialysis population. One such area of care which remains under the radar is morbidity and mortality related to peripheral vascular disease and foot care. For the most part, at this stage, foot care attracts attention only after a problem has already arisen. There are no screening protocols in hemodialysis centers to identify the problem earlier on. As a result preventive strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality related to this issue remains unaddressed. The magnitude of this problem is unrealized until you add to the equation that majority of hemodilaysis patients are diabetics as well. As a result there remains a significant issue of lower extremity amputations in hemodialysis patients.

by Zahid Ahmad, M.D.

University of Oklahoma

Asst. Professor of Medicine – Interventional Nephrology

Section of Nephrology & Hypertention

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